Technology provider Retail Solutions Inc. (RSi) and sales and marketing services company Crossmark have teamed up to launch OSA360, which they say is the first end-to-end offering enabling CPG manufacturers and retailers to solve their out-of-stocks (OOS) issues. OSA360 combines the two companies’ retail industry experience, global footprint and technology expertise to create a one-of-a-kind, “closed loop” offering. The new product is designed to help CPGs and retailers maximize their on-shelf availability (OSA) and recapture millions in sales that are lost each year to OOS and inefficient in-store execution. Retail industry benchmarks consistently cite OOS rates of 8 to 10 » Read More…

OSA360 Represents One-of-a-Kind Offering, Combining RSi’s Industry-Leading Alerting Technology Solutions with CROSSMARK’s Unmatched In-Store Executional Services

MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA and PLANO, TX – January 24, 2019 – Retail Solutions, Inc. (RSi), the global technology provider for CPG manufacturers and retailers, and CROSSMARK, a leading sales and marketing services company, today announced the launch of OSA360, the first end-to-end offering enabling CPG manufacturers and retailers to solve the massive out-of-stocks (OOS) problem. OSA360 combines the two companies’ significant retail industry experience, (more…)

Partnership Provides CPG Brands Real-Time Access to Marketing Performance Data, Maximizing Return on Mobile Ad Spend

NEW YORK, December 4, 2018 — Kargo, the mobile brand advertiser that puts the art in ad tech, and RSi, the leading provider of technology solutions that enable CPG manufacturers and retailers to grow and profit, today announced a partnership that’s taking another step toward eliminating ad fraud. The strategic collaboration provides CPG brands with the ability to seamlessly measure the performance and efficacy of their Kargo mobile ad campaigns. As a result of this partnership, Kargo customers can now receive direct measurement capability through RSi, delivering the statistics they know and trust. (more…)

• 利用先进数字技术的自动化促销解决方案 • 提升整体促销效率20-25%,提升分货准确率5-15% • 可减少50%人工计划预测成本 中国上海 – 2018年11月27日 – 致力于帮助快消品品牌商和零售商增长盈利的行业领先技术解决方案提供商瑞易信息(RSi)今天宣布,将在中国市场推出Promo Power™解决方案,帮助品牌商和零售商通过自动化促销预测、分货和执行来最大限度地提高销售额、利润和投资回报率。借助高度自动化的Promo Power™解决方案,品牌商和零售商能够尽可能减少昂贵且低效的人工干预,同时显著改善从供应链到货架的零售执行流程和效率。 在中国,RSi已成功帮助一家快消品巨头在其最大的五个零售商部署实施Promo Power™。 同时RSi正在与更多的品牌商合作,不断扩大Promo Power™在中国市场的占有率,并扩展到全球市场。 品牌商的促销费用支出占比在中国将近30%,促销期间货架有货率(OSA)和缺货(OOS)问题严重影响促销的成败,所以确保每项促销费用投入带来稳定可控的投资回报率,对于品牌商和零售商来说至关重要。 中国一家大型零售商高级供应链主管评价说:“Promo Power™显著提高了我们的促销预测准确率。此外,Promo Power™针对促销期零销售、低库存等问题生成的异常警报,帮助我们门店运营团队快速识别定位问题,对于促销业绩的增长意义重大。” “我们很高兴能够在中国最先推出Promo Power™解决方案,这对于促销预测执行是革命性的创新。”RSi首席执行官Bert Clement说。 “在中国竞争激烈且增长迅速的零售环境中,品牌商及其零售商合作伙伴需要强大的竞争优势。我们在中国的客户已经验证了Promo Power™可以通过门店层级的促销精准分货来帮助他们推动强劲的收入增长并降低成本。” 凭借其业界领先的速度、敏捷性和可扩展性,Promo Power™的用户能够执行几乎无限的促销活动,同时大大减少促销计划、数据准备和分析所需的时间。以下是Promo Power™显著改善品牌商和零售商促销预测准确率、分货合理性和执行效能的主要功能模块: 预测/分货:Promo Power™帮助用户预测促销期间每家门店所需的最佳库存,有助于品牌商和零售商消除缺货来最大化销售和购物者满意度。 监控/纠正:Promo Power™自动化销售监控,以改善促销活动执行,并针对预测量偏低、门店促销未执行和OSA问题采取纠正措施。 衡量/改进:Promo Power™解决方案可以通过门店级别的销售业绩和重点指标跟踪来衡量整体促销提升效果。 计划/基准:Promo Power™允许用户通过设定基准促销,进行交叉分析,以确定最有效的促销要素以优化未来促销计划。 RSi首席执行官Bert Clement补充说:“尽管我们刚刚开始推广这一解决方案,Promo Power已经在中国验证了其巨大价值,我们相信它对于整个行业具有变革意义。我们的下一代Promo Power™产品将利用更加先进的人工智能技术如机器学习,帮助中国和全球的客户根据产品、定价、竞争对手和季节性进行最优促销活动计划。” 如果您有兴趣了解更多细节,请点击此处下载Promo Power宣传单页阅读。 *** *** RSi简介 RSi是全球领先的技术解决方案提供商,致力于帮助品牌商和零售商实现增长、增加盈利、掌控全供应链。 27家全球领先的快消品公司和近250家顶级零售商信赖RSi无与伦比的行业经验,一流的技术解决方案和深厚的数据专业知识。 RSi的基于云的数字化引擎,可在零售全渠道无缝提供实时可执行的洞察。 RSi IRIS平台是全球首屈一指的货架有货率管理解决方案,品牌商和零售商每年通过IRIS挽回数亿美元的销售损失。 RSi的员工遍布全球20个地区,致力于帮助客户掌控货架,赢得未来。更多信息,请访问。 Media Contact: Juicy Liu RSi China [email protected]

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