Near real-time visibility into your on-shelf availability rate for every store and product in your portfolio with RSi's Retail Compass, the industry-leading OSA measurement solution.
Measure and Monitor On-Shelf Availability with Retail Compass
CPG manufacturers have traditionally been challenged with compiling the growing volumes of retail data and mining the insights required for near real-time OSA visibility across all stores and products leading to suboptimal OSA levels across the business.
For CPG manufacturers and their retailer partners, the urgent OSA challenges and associated solution areas include:
Leverage Digital Transformation to Identify Gaps in OSA and Drive Greater Sales and Profits
Retail Compass helps CPGs identify and analyze out-of-stock patterns across stores, products and regions, and take the appropriate actions to fix these problems. This enables suppliers to determine and achieve optimal on-shelf availability rates, dramatically improve sales, increase profits and delight shoppers. Strategically achieving optimal OSA rates would not only be possible, but would be standard operating procedure.
With Retail Compass you can:
Reduce lost sales resulting in increased revenues and profit margin by tracking overall OSA performance in near real-time across your business
Improve OSA performance measures across time, customer, banner, and product categories by leveraging advanced Machine Learning (ML) digital technologies
Enrich collaboration between retailers and suppliers by providing full transparency of OSA analysis and utilizing insights for discussions with partners to improve OSA rates and maximize sales
By Uncovering Macro and Micro OSA Trends, CPG Manufacturers Can Tactically Improve Product Availability and Shift Their Focus to Preventive and Predictive OSA Outcomes. RSi’s Retail Compass complements other on-shelf availability solutions by providing full, near real-time visibility into your OSA rate for every store and product in your portfolio. By adding Retail Compass into your larger On-Shelf Availability operations, you can improve OSA rates, reduce lost sales, and boost profitability so that you can rule from supply chain to shelf.
The RSi Advantage:
*Uniform OSA Measurement: Standard and consistent OSA measures across all retailer partners *Store-level Insights: Actionable insights enabling you to take action on top and bottom performing stores *Dynamic Dashboards: Quickly identify the stores, products and events that are driving your OSA rates
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